
"I want to state clearly and without qualification: I did not take steroids, human growth hormone or any other banned substances at any time in my baseball career or, in fact, my entire life. Those substances represent a dangerous and destructive shortcut no athlete should ever take."

"I am disappointed that my 25 years in public life have apparently not earned me the benefit of the doubt, but I understand Senator Mitchell's report has raised many serious questions. I plan to publicly answer all of those questions at the appropriate time in the appropriate way. I only ask that in the meantime people not rush to judgment."

i feel disgusting ......

儘管Mitchell Report花費$20M,耗時兩年,只有薄弱的人證,至少比上Conceco的書來得可信度高些。克老如果不否認的話,也不會有人會多思考那七座Cy Young Award的純度,甚至打上星星之類,畢竟2003年之前MLB官方藥檢並沒有人類生長激素這一項。

棒球與籃球甚至足球或是田徑比賽不一樣,七座Cy Young Award並不是打打激素就可以拿到的,克老承認不就是了嗎?


Mitchel Report只是點出「部分」事實,Action的部分仍得看MLB官方怎麼辦。

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